Policies and Protocols
All policies below are based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, Pennsylvania Department of Education, and the Philadelphia Department of Public Health for the 2021-2022 school year. MBACS will continue to update these policies as public health guidance evolves.
Everyone age 12 and up is eligible for the Pfizer vaccine. While MBACS does not presently require students to be vaccinated, we strongly encourage families (unfinished). The vaccine is free and requires two doses three weeks apart. We recommend using (update link) to find convenient vaccination locations. We will be holding another vaccination clinic at MBACS on September 17, 2021 from 3:15-4:15pm. You can sign up here.
If you are a student or staff member who is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms and or has been exposed to someone who has tested positive, you can complete this COVID-19 Exposure Form.
Testing Program
Research shows that weekly testing in schools can lead to a 60%+ reduction in infection transmission. This year we have partnered with Affinity Empowering, Inc. and Assure testing to provide free testing to staff and students.
We strongly encourage all families to consider the benefits of having their student tested at school. By testing regularly, infections can be found early, patients can be isolated and we can prevent outbreaks and keep kids and staff members in school. Students will not be tested without their parents’ consent.
If there is a positive result, staff or parents will be contacted as soon as possible. ​
Complete the consent form here.
Click on the icon below to access our COVID-19 Dashboard.